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SYJ Administrator Guide (new)

Share Your Jira and the Issue Viewer have merged into a single App. This means all features of the Issue Viewer are now available in Share Your Jira.

Installing Share Your JIRA

  1.  Log in as a user with the JIRA administrators global permission

  2.  Open the JIRA Administration (gear icon) and choose "Add-ons"

  3.  Click "Find new add-ons" from the side navigation

  4.  Type "Share Your JIRA" in the search bar (The correct version appears in the search results)

  5.  Click "Try free" to begin the trial or "Buy now" to purchase a license for Share Your JIRA.

  6.  Enter your data and click "Generate license"

  7.  Click "Apply license"

Or Install the plugin with Universal Plugin Manager.



The permissions of the function is defined at every single project.

Every project administrator has the right to define the user groups, that can create shares, in his project.

Initial Setup

Open the project

Click on "Project administration"
Click on "Share your Jira"

Choose a role to allow it to share

Click on "Save"

Customize project-wide template settings

Open the project

Click on "Project administration"
Click on "Share your Jira"

Choose "Template settings"

Activate the "Customize" toggle
Choose to use either "Share Your Jira" or "Email This Issue" as the e-mail system

Choose to use either the default or a custom e-mail template

Choose to use either the defaut or a custom issue template

Click on "Save"

Set up automatic shares

Automatic shares provide a custom field with a link, which contains the shareable view of an issue.

Open the project

Click on "Project administration"
Click on "Share your Jira"

Choose "Automatic share"

Activate the "Active" toggle
Define a user for auto shares
Define which fields the auto shares display

Change the order of the fields via drag and drop
Click on "Save"
Navigate to the custom field settings

Assign the auto share link field to the required screens

Firing Events

Share Your JIRA allows you to catch the activity of all public shares by firing an event. This means it is possible to define  e. g. supervisors to get notified in a custom way if a public share is created.

The relevant event is called "Issue Public Shared".

By using Scriptrunner for example, you are able to trigger an custom email. 

Event NameDescription
Issue Public SharedFires, when an issue is shared by the user via Share Your JIRA.
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